According to Malachi 2:15, He has made husband and wife one that He might seek a godly seed.

Friday, May 30, 2008

The end of May already?

Bob reading to the children before bed. Time with Daddy- priceless!

Bob and Noah.

Grandma Butler with Noah tonight. She brought over a yummy dinner and Isaac's birthday gifts.

Yesterday (Thursday) was Isaac's 11th birthday. He chose an assortment of cowboy things: stirrups, pistol, holster, and a new hat (not pictured here). Anna and Daniel carved various weapons out of wood for him and the girls made birthday cards and his favorite dinner, chicken pepper pasta. He wanted rootbeer floats for his birthday dessert. It was a fun day for him. I took all three boys (that's a new phrase) to the mall so that Isaac to chose a couple of his own gifts from Grandma Brenda and Grandad Bill. He spent the afternoon playing with his remote control car and Lincoln Logs. Today, Grandma Butler came over with his new hat and a shooting game from Aunt Patsy. His daddy is still an expert shot even after all these years out of the Army. Anna's pretty good too.

Mary and Daniel are snuggling in the rocking chair. Now that Mary's two, and a big sister, she's talking constantly and expects us to understand every word and meet each request-now! Who could resist those beautiful baby blues anyway?With warmer weather comes water fun. This was the first official, bathing suit-wearing day for our family. But there have been numerous unofficial soakings with the hose and buckets too! They all look like "Jack be nimble" jumping over the candlestick. I don't think Mary and Joy really liked all those spraying arms getting water in their eyes. But the mud puddles in the grass looked like fun. This one is of Anna. She watched the boys for a long while before she tried jumping over herself.

This is Isaac, with Joy and Mary watching.
Here's Daniel with Mary in the background.
Mary's all smiles and out of the reach of the water sprays.
Now that Noah is a month old, there are many more chances to get pictures of his eyes. They're blue of course. When we first bring home a new baby he always seems like a stranger. But then after just a few short weeks, it seems that he was always with us and can't imagine life without him.Every night before we go to bed, Bob checks on the children in their beds. On this night, we went in together and found Joy asleep literally standing up. We couldn't resist turning on the light and taking her picture. Kendal woke up to the flash of the camera and Bob and I laughing hysterically. We're guessing Joy was too hot under this down comforter (go figure) and was trying to get it off but it was wrapped so tightly around her it was able to hold her up while she slept. Or maybe this was just another time when she was refusing to sleep and her fatigue caught up with her. Children do the funniest things!
After carrying a baby inside for nearly ten months, delivering him, and caring for him for nearly a month, it's amazing how rewarding a single moment of eye contact and a slight smile can be. We're noticing how fat he looks and loving it! He weighed nine and a half pounds at his one month check up this week! So he gained two pounds in a month!
This is Joy and Noah. Mary, Joy, Anna and Daniel had caught a cold and a sore throat last week. Joy coughed alot on Saturday night and on Sunday Bob had to take her to the CHKD emergency room because she was getting into respiratory distress: breathing fast, wheezing, retracting and fatiguing. She had a few breathing treatments and was kept overnight to start IV antibiotics to make sure she didn't develop pneumonia. Isaac is the only child who's ever been to the ER in our family and that was for stitches both times. We all missed Joy and Bob terribly. Bob thought he was going to have to work a few hours on Memorial Day (also our 18th anniversary) but instead he spent it at the hospital with Joy. She was very brave and all the nurses praised her. She returned home by Monday evening looking much better and quite happy after spending 24 hours with her daddy to herself! She's still coughing today but definitely on the mend. Praise the Lord for our timely discernment in sending her, for having a great hospital nearby to care for her, and no worrisome bills to follow.
We have so much to be grateful for! When Isaac was a baby he had so many medical problems that we could not be sure there would be any birthdays for him. Praise the Lord for eleven wonderful years full of laughs with him. He is a true blessing to our family!
Now Bob and I have been married for nearly half of my life-eighteen years. I was nineteen when we wed. It seems like yesterday that we made that covenant with God. He is so faithful and patient with us!
We love our girls. And quite frankly I don't know what to do with a boy except feed him, tell him to clean his room and send him outside to "subdue the earth" But I do sense that there is a very special blessing in being given another son to raise for God's kingdom. At the same time I kept wondering if the Lord would return before Noah would even be born. So every day with him here on earth is a gift. Regardless, we are all ready to meet Him at any time God should choose.
We're seeking the Lord in prayer and asking for His direction for how we should live our lives in light of the fact the Lord is returning soon. We have a stronger urgency to share the soul-saving Gospel with those who's eternity is not secure in Heaven. We pray the Lord will be pleased with our lives each day.
Tomorrow our family of ten will have it's debut at Bob's office picnic. There will be questions of all sorts. I pray we will be ready to give an answer about the hope that is in us! I Peter 3:15

Monday, May 19, 2008

And even more Noah photos!

Doesn't he look snug as a bug?
We finally took a picture of Kendal holding Noah.

Kelsey is trying to help me get a photo that shows just how little Noah is, for now.

Daniel is grinning from ear to ear!
Anna is thrilled with her turn holding Baby Brother too. One of her big sisters obviously enjoyed one of the special features on our camera on this photo.

Mary never gets enough of holding "Nonah."

Noah and I spend ALOT of time in this chair, day and night! Bob was so sweet to buy it for us.

He is definitely getting fatter! And cuter!

Kelsey caught Noah stretching after a nap in the swing.

Even after three weeks, it seems we are still centering our family's life around Noah. All of our pictures are of him. And all the children are still clamoring to see him, touch him, kiss him and hold him.

Thankfully this week is getting off to a better start. Since I was able to sleep last night for three hours without being disturbed, I'm doing much better than last week. The children have enjoyed the beautiful weather and played outside all day. That helps too.

During this pregnancy we learned there are many new baby gadgets. We even registered at Baby's R Us, since we never did before. (I'll be deleting that account asap since we've already acquired the few things we needed or wanted) We did purchase a very neat "travel swing" that is shaped somewhat like a hammock and a Boppy (breastfeeding support pillow) all in one. We thought that would be a safe place to put Noah when no one was holding him. Although now I'm not really sure when that time would be. Everyone offers to hold him constantly. Then our friend, Jennifer, brought over a full size cradle swing, similar to our small one, to help with Noah's reflux.

The children say the sweetest things to Noah: Joy just kissed him and said, "You smell just like a baby." Anna is holding him and she said that he made a face like Grandad Bill (my stepdad, so no blood relation). When I asked what face she was talking about she said, "You know, the one where he smiles and sticks out his tongue a little bit." Too sweet! Anna was also wondering why Noah seems to be having so much trouble opening his eyes from his sleepy state. I can relate to that feeling, if only I could sleep, anywhere anytime I need a nap.

It seems our days of productivity are at a standstill for now. Just a month ago we were smocking, making pillow covers, making baby quilts, baby clothes, mommy clothes, babydoll clothes and more. I can't remember the last time I even made a meal. Oh well, this is a nice season too. And it does pass all too quickly.
On Mother's Day our pastor told a story about a lady who had ten children and now has 100 great-grandchildren!!! She prays regularly for all of her 200 relatives with another elderly woman who has no family. What an inspiration! She is also a great reminder of how much of an impact one family can have on this world for Christ!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Family of Ten photos and birth announcement

This was taken on Mother's Day before church. We are blessed indeed!
This was taken earlier in the week.

We sent this birth announcement out by email. We're so thankful for a godly name for our son!
Bob returned to work this week and the children and I have been "on our own." Noah definitely was easier to care for while Bob was on vacation. Suddenly he needs to be up more at night and requires more during the day as well. I must have forgotten how time consuming an infant is. I find myself being surprised that it can take hours to get from my bedroom where I've been feeding him to the kitchen where I need to direct the activities of the other seven children.
Monday was a rough start for us all. Today we left the kitchen in a mess after lunch and literally ran out the door to fit in a trip to the park. Sometimes we just have to make a good day of it whether it seems practical or not. Thankfully we had beautiful weather.
Kendal and Kelsey have nearly finished their school year with a few subjects yet to be completed. They've already picked strawberries a couple of times. And we're looking forward to swimming together again this summer. Anna, Daniel and Isaac will continue with their phonics and math through the summer. It only takes them a short period of time. So there will still be plenty of playtime for them.
Kendal surprised me with a rosebush for Mother's Day. She had heard me admiring the ones in the median strips and around all the stores. They are hot pink Knockout roses. Supposedly they require no maintenance. And I wanted one of my own. So on the way to pick up our milk on Saturday she purchased one with her own money and she and Bob planted it in the flowerbed in secret. What a great surprise! When it gets full of blooms I'll post a photo.
We've taken loads of pictures of the baby. It's hard to decide which ones to share. We love them all.
Noah weighs eight pounds now. So he's gained half a pound in two weeks. We are so thankful for his health. We're praying the spasms of his diaphram will stop very soon so that he will not have reflux and hiccups so often. He's a very happy baby except when that happens.
It's been very tempting to complain about how hard it is to run a house with eight children. I have not been at my best this week. But with continual news of tornadoes, floods and earthquakes killing thousands, I am reminded to keep it all in perspective and be grateful for how good our life really is!
Thankful Mommy

Monday, May 5, 2008

And more Noah photos!

We think Noah must have put his hands under his chin in the womb since it's his favorite sleeping position . Kendal and Kelsey love to catch him doing it and snap pictures!
Kelsey with Noah.
We always try to take some pictures that capture how small each newborn really is. This one is the favorite so far.

It's hard to believe Noah's been home for a week. It went so quickly! He and I (Marcella) have been sleeping and eating mostly.
Today we enjoyed getting back to church. It's refreshing to be with people who are rejoicing with us over God's incredible new blessing on our family.
It's quite a contrast to folks like the birth registrar at the hospital who exclaimed, "You're a crazy woman!!!" when told that Noah is our eighth child. I should've referred her to I Cor 3:19-"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight." Or I Cor 1:27-" But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." I'll have to be better prepared in the future because there are sure to be more opportunities just around the corner. :)

He finally fell back to sleep, so back to bed we go...

Friday, May 2, 2008

More Noah photos!

Here Noah looks just like his big brother, Isaac, did in a similar photo at this age.
Noah had his first tub bath on Thursday, May 1, his due date. He had a great audience!

This is the blanket Kendal and Kelsey made for Noah. It's beautiful!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Noah's first week

Kelsey is helping Mary to hold Noah. Mary never stops asking for another turn.

Isaac is very happy holding Noah! He waited very patiently!


Daniel has had a couple of turns holding Noah now. But he still wants MORE!

Life this week with little Noah has been sweet! We all feel so blessed to have him! He's a great eater and even allowed Mom to sleep some last night! He smiles ALOT and keeps everyone around him smiling too! Yes, he does favor every child in our family at one time or another.
He is another precious gift from the Lord to our family!
Everyone here has been taking great care of Mom and Baby. We've mostly stayed in the bedroom and the extra rest has made recovery better than ever for Mom. We have lots of visitors/siblings throughout the day who are eager to gaze at Noah.
Thank you so very much for your prayers for health and other blessings. We know God answered them all!