According to Malachi 2:15, He has made husband and wife one that He might seek a godly seed.

Monday, February 22, 2010

February Blessings

My favorite part about being pregnant is definitely feeling the baby moving. I don't think I'll ever tire of it. Everything has happened so early this time that I've been enjoying the little kicks for weeks. More recently I can feel him/her turning over and other random movements. I love it! The baby is getting stronger for sure!

The last time we had a couple speak at our church I miscarried our ninth baby. Thankfully this weekend, I was much further along than last September, and I was able to enjoy the encouraging talks and my wiggly baby of 23 weeks.

Rick and Marilyn Boyer have fourteen children and have homeschooled for thirty years! Now that is experience! We were so blessed by their talks and resources. Their blog is and they also have a website by the same name. They've spoken often at the HEAV convention and have close friendships with many of the homeschooling pioneers in our state, including the late and dear Christopher Klicka.

Thankfully when discouragment feels overwhelming, God has already launched a great dose of encouragment that will arrive just in the nick of time. : ) That was the Boyers for me this weekend!

Even potty training has been on the upswing lately. We have had a success almost daily for several days! Phew! I knew the boy would get to wear underwear before graduating, but I wasn't so sure that it would be soon. There is hope afterall!

After living in our house for seven years, I decided to make a few window treatments. Kendal had already made the ones in the kitchen and dining room and they were beautiful. I made three for our bedroom with a matching pillow on Friday. It cost less than $30 for all the materials and we have three windows. Today I made three more treatments for the living room/dining room area for about $15. Now that I am on a roll, I hope on Wednesday to made two for the room over the garage.

I've had a strange, ragged piece of material hanging in our bathroom window for months. Once Kendal tired of it and sewed it up. It still needs help. So I bought a remnant that matches that room and draped it over the half made other's a tiny window, you'd think I could pull it off. The problem is that I love light and won't block it out for privacy or any other reason. And their are no blinds in there. Eventually I will be inspired and finish all the projects. For today, I'm enjoy the new view in three rooms. : ) and my wiggly baby!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Daddy's trying hard

My husband is trying very hard to be more attentive to the disciplinary needs that arise when he is home. It's difficult for him since he has this incredible skill of blocking out everything that is unpleasant. : ) That helps him to always have a happy countenance. Afterall, ignorance is bliss! We laugh about this together often. Sometimes I cry or whine about it because I, on the other hand, can hear everything.

Last night, he and I were enjoying some quiet time in the den when a fight broke out in one of the bedrooms between a son and daughter of ours. This particular son and daughter are like oil and water. There is always very loud sqealing and yelling involved when they disagree.

The new and improved husband called out to the son and asked him to come and sit in front of us on the coffee table. Without asking what was happening in the back of the house, he informed our son that he should never under any circumstances enter the girls' room ever again. He reiterated it several times very authoritatively and even our older two daughters raised their eyebrows at Dad's new firm approach. I'm sure they were hoping this would be the solution to the noisy problem we are enduring everyday between these two children. The son was asked if he understood his new instructions, which he did, and as he left the den, the son quitely said, "but I was in your room"!!! HA HA HA HA HA!

Needless to say, atleast three of us nearly peed in our pants laughing at the predicament that my husband was in. He blew it off and sent the son on his way to get ready for bed without aggravating the daughter any further. But we all continued to roll in laughter, including my husband. I should clarify that we weren't mocking him or discouraging him at all. We were laughing with him. And it was a hoot! Even an hour later we got a healthy belly laugh remembering his attempt at stern parenting. If only it were so easy.

Mountain of God

I took our littlest one to Trader Joe's today. It's a long trek from our house but worth the quality and savings. On the way home I had one of those moments when I am driving, I know I am on the right road, but I really can't remember where I am or what comes next. It used to scare me because it sounds like the early signs of Alzheimers disease-that was ten years ago. Now I just blame it on all the brain cell donations I've made to our nine babies and that I've lived here long enough to be able to drive home without thinking very hard.

In that forgetful moment today I had some revelations. I've never been afraid that I won't find my way. I've never stopped the van to figure out my location. I've always been confident that I am on the right road and know that when I need to make a turn I will recognize it...God is so good. This is a great metaphor for my life when I am discouraged or tempted to lose heart.

When the temporary memory loss happens in the van, within a few seconds I remember where I am. It's like walking in faith. Generally I know my life is on the "right" path, the 0ne of wisdom described in Proverbs. Likewise, I have never just stopped or quit on the life I believe God wants me to live for Him. Oh! Have I been tempted!!! But I always keep doing what I've been doing. Thankfully, when I hang on, He sends comfort, encouragment and confirmation that He wants me to keep going in the same direction. I love Him for this!

Near the end of our ride, I heard a song that really blessed me. It's from Third Day and I've never heard it before. This song is not my favorite style but the words were very meaningful today:

"Mountain Of God"

Thought that I was all alone
Broken and afraid
But You were there with me
Yes, You were there with me

And I didn't even know
That I had lost my way
But You were there with me
Yes, You were there with me

'Til You opened up my eyes
I never knew
That I couldn't ever make it
Without You

Even though the journey's long
And I know the road is hard
Well, the One who's gone before me
He will help me carry on
After all that I've been through
Now I realize the truth
That I must go through the valley
To stand upon the mountain of God

As I travel on the road
That You have lead me down
You are here with me
Yes, You are here with me
I have need for nothing more
Oh, now that I have found
That You are here with me
Yes, You are here with me

I confess from time to time
I lose my way
But You are always there
To bring me back again

Sometimes I think of where it is I've come from
And the things I've left behind
But of all I've had, what I possessed
Nothing can quite compare
With what's in front of me
With what's in front of me


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thankfully our week without Bob went smoothly and he is back safe and sound. We didn't make any great strides in potty training. But we did tighten up our morning rountine significantly. This was a great blessing to us all since it added nearly an hour to our morning.

The snow has been so much fun. Even Bob was involved. It is the most snow our children ever remember seeing. Of course I spent most of my time peeling off the wet, cold clothing of each person as they came inside. And I couldn't get the gloves and hats dry quickly enough for the next round of outdoor play. We still have a lovely scuplted snowwoman in our front yard. Many people have stopped to stare as they've driven by.

In preparation for the coming "blizzard" last week, we bought a propane stove. Its a camping stove and should not be used indoors. But in a crisis we'd gladly cook in the garage or near an open window. While we were in the camping aisle at Walmart I learned that we can purchase alot of neat things to help with our preparedness efforts. Maybe we will be able to make a small stash in our backpacks.

I did learn this morning when I left Noah on the potty alone that he successfully used it! I'll have to try that again. I've been afraid to leave him on the big potty for fear he'd fall off. Maybe privacy is all he's needed. We've been so annoyed when he immediately soils his diaper after sitting on the toilet for ten minutes!

We enjoyed the surprise element of not knowing our last baby's gender before birth. In fact, I enjoyed that so much that I thought we would never "peek" again. But over the last week, I've decided that I would rather be prepared over the next four months for the correct gender than be surprised for a few seconds. Given the opportunity, I will peek. Telling everyone else is still a question though.