According to Malachi 2:15, He has made husband and wife one that He might seek a godly seed.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Great Commission Families

Our church had a conference this weekend that was lead by Bernie and Linda Beall and their young adult children. Their ministry is called "Great Commission Families". We were so blessed! They simply told their family's story and encouraged the families of our church to seek God for ways that we can help lead others to Christ. They also talked about their experiences with courtship and alternatives to leaving home for a college degree. One of their sons has memorized and recites chapters of the Bible as part of their ministry. Since their four children are 17-24 years old, and the eldest is married with two children, it was an educating experience to hear how they arrived to this place in time. We are inspired! You can visit them at

The Bealls professionally print tracts related to historical sites in near their home. They go to these tourist traps or heavy traffic areas and pass out Gospel tracts with historically relevant information in them. People gladly receive them. On other occasions they conduct surveys that ultimately can lead to sharing the Gospel. Mr. and Mrs. Beall worked for Campus Crusade for Christ for many years before starting their own ministry more recently, which is focused on teaching families how to fulfill the Great Commission.

Our family is going to start working on some tracts that we can pass out to people who ask about us. When we visit stores, restaurants and even walk around our neighborhood, people ask many questions about our family size, especially. We know these questions are invitations to tell them about Jesus, but we aren't sure how to bridge the conversations. Afterall, a grocery store check- out line is a tough place to come up with relevant, God-honoring answers to life's most important questions. Once printed, we think we'll have the boys keep some tracts in their pockets and always be ready to hand them out. We'll keep you posted on our project's progress.

By the way, Kendal has been having a wonderful time with Granddad Bill and Grandma Brenda. And Kelsey is doing a great job as the oldest helper in our home. Everyone is counting the days until we drive there and can spend a week of vacation together. It's about 12 days from now.

Here are some recent photos of the family:
In this photo Noah looks exactly like his dad did in his one year portrait. Noah gets a generous share of hugs, snuggles and kisses everyday!
End of summer shots: This is Mary under the waterfall at our local YMCA.
This is Joy on the turtle with the water-spraying mouth.
Here are Daniel and Anna with the water sprayer that rotates. Many unsuspecting pedestrians have been targeted by this "weapon". If you enter the kiddie zone, you are fair game, or so I (Marcella) found out the hard way. :)
The weather has really been changing lately, and though it will not officially be fall untill around the 22nd, we are having beautiful fall weather. So I (Kelsey) think we have seen the last of our trips to the YMCA, at least for this year.

We are now all thinking about our vacation, which we are all looking foward to! I am sure we will have plenty of pictures to share on the blog from it.

Being at the conference was also a great time to fellowship with families we don't usually see, such as the Hiltons. They have eight children, three girls and five boys. I really enjoyed talking with Katie, who is thirteen years old and the fourth child.

Kelsey and Marcella

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