According to Malachi 2:15, He has made husband and wife one that He might seek a godly seed.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yesterday was good. I received wise counsel from my chiropractor in the early morning by phone. I stayed off of the supplements that had been helping my arrhythmias for the last four days. I passed the treadmill stress test. We even discovered that all the arrhythmias stopped while I was exercising. When I finished the test, they resumed.

I was referred to a cardiologist who is very friendly and knowlegeable about nutrition. I will see her on Monday. I'm looking forward to talking with someone who knows a great deal about arrhythmias AND approves of nutritional cures. That doesn't guarantee that her recommendations for me will be "all natural" but atleast we'll be starting on the same page, I hope.

I "passed" the echocardiogram and bubble test afterall. I suppose my technician thought I'd failed it. But thankfully the cardiologists disagreed. At this time, we do not anticipate that I will need any heart surgery! That was a HUGE relief! Best of all, I went all day feeling good and not taking any supplements for my heart.

Lastly, all the other tests showed no bad results. I do have arrythmias, not deadly ones. I have been experiencing the symptoms of bradycardia, and that still needs to be addressed. But for two days now, I have felt practically normal and stress free!

At this time, I have no idea why I've had to walk this scary road. I don't understand why my heart was behaving so badly all last week, or why the slow pulse started two weeks ago. I do not see God's big picture in all this. And I still do not have any answers about what IS wrong. But I can still rest in Him. He has not forsaken me. I am thankful to be here with my family and hopeful that I will be able to complete the task He's set before me and with a healthy heart.

I am still asking for prayer for continued protection over my heart since I have been dipping into the forties and feeling faint. I also am asking for wisdom, as there are still decisions to make about who to see, when to go and how far to keep searching for answers.

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