According to Malachi 2:15, He has made husband and wife one that He might seek a godly seed.

Monday, January 24, 2011

What I'm Reading-Our God is Not Silent

Our life has been so drastically shaped by the books we've read over the last twenty years. As I nursed the baby this morning, I mulled over the stack of books on my nightstand, and remembered the books we've been reading outloud, the ones that Bob has been reading alone and the one we've vowed to start together this week. We are very rich in knowledge. God has blessed us indeed. Since all of my favorite books have been recommended by friends, I've decided that it's worth my time to share mine on this blog in hopes of returning the favor!

Of course the top of the stack is my palm-sized Bible. Bob purchased this for me so that I could read as I nurse or in my bed. It is hard to juggle a baby and a large Bible. This one has worked for me. Thankfully I am able to read it nearly every day. I prefer to hide for an hour and dig really deeply into a certain book, but I don't always make time for that luxury, so one thoughtful chapter is the norm. I underline and make notes in this bible. I love it!
A book not in the photographed stack, but well read, is Nancy Campbell's 100 Days of Blessing, Vol 1. A sweet friend gave it to me for Christmas and I love it!!! Nancy Campbell of Above Rubies Ministry has been encouraging my soul as a mother for years! A portion of her email devotions have been published into this book and I am able to enjoy them much more in this format. On those days that I do not get a meaty course from my Bible, I have been reading one or more of Nancy's devotions. They are better that B vitamins for moms! She is such an encourager. The book is on sale through Above Rubies this month for ~$10. I highly recommend it if you need an easy daily reminder of the eternal significance of your role as a mother. By the way, my copy was in the kitchen when I photographed "my stack" since I have been reading some entries to our children at breakfast, and to myself one day after I barely survived breakfast. ; )
The same wonderful friend and her husband gave us Common Deceptions That Destroy Marriage Oneness by Mike and Connie Walsh this weekend. (I must thank this friend again. Look what an impact her friendship is having in my life) If I could recommend ONE book to every married couple, and especially newlywed Christians, it would be this one. Although Bob and I are going to read it together, I've already skimmed 90% of it. If only I could turn back time and have this book at the start of our marriage...We are going to be so blessed by reading this together! Mike and Connie have (atleast 10 children) and minister to couples within and without the Bill Gothard seminars. Many strongholds of the Devil will be torn down by the simple understanding of the Bible truths as presented in this book. Divorce rates will plummet as couples becomer wiser in the handling of their precious marriages after reading this.
Heaven is for Real is written by a pastor and the father of a four year old who experienced heaven. Todd Burpo has the wonderful experience of unwrapping the gift of a view of heaven that most all of us have yet to see. It is purely biblical and has been a joy to read together as a family. Someone shared during my husband's mens' group about this book and Bob bought it that same day and started reading aloud, just like our friend has been doing. We've already told him how much we love it. Thanks again for the idea, Steve!
I'm not reading Preparing to be a Help Meet by Debi Pearl really for me. However, it has taught me alot. Kendal, Kelsey and I have read it more than once each. Our family hosts a young ladies night once a month for older teen girls in our church family. We were inspired by the Pearls to provide a fun place for our young adults to fellowship. After a couple of months of warming up to one another I suggested that we study this book. If you aren't married yet, hope to ever get married or know an unmarried fourteen year old or older, I highly recommend this book! It is a must read for all of our daughters. Our group has been so blessed by reading and discussing this book together, moms and unmarried daughters. Debi Pearl has also written Created to be His Help Meet. It resides nearby in my nightstand drawer. It is for married women and the tone is much more serious and not always so friendly. She means business. I have learned so very much from Debi Pearl. If Created... scared you, try Preparing... first. They are both priceless in this age where Titus 2 "older women" are scarce.
8 Kingdoms by Michael Pearl has changed the way our family reads the Bible. Our understanding has increased immensely. We think every Christian should have to read this book, especially Bible teachers. Bob has been reading it aloud for a few weeks to us all. Kendal and I read it alone first and our raving tempted him to enjoy it too. It is primarily about the difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven. I wish I'd read it much earlier in my walk. The passages that lead up to explaining the terms are especially interesting. Michael's biblically based explaination about creation, Satan, and the quest for kingdom dominance is captivating and indisputable.
Also by Michael Pearl is By Divine Design. This book was just part of a package deal. I wanted another copy of the 8 Kingdoms and ended up with three other books of Michael's because of the great sale. I definitly don't regret that decision. By Divine Design is an easy read for those who have random questions about suffering, God's providence and much more. I am amazed at Michael's ability to string all of the seemingly unrelated questions together in a manner that points unwaveringly to a Divine Designer. Here's my summary: The way things are, is the way they have to be, in order for God to be the God he claims to be in His Word! It's amazing! If you know a doubter, or just a young person who needs to be able to defend himself, I recommend this book. The ministry of Michael and Debi Pearl is called No Greater Joy. You will find child training, bible teaching, evangelism and many other tools. They have a free newsletter and a worldwide gospel ministry. They are the most influential couple in our family's life.
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers has been my favorite devotion for over a decade. My copy is well worn and loved. We gave a leather-bound version to our seventeen year old for her birthday because I think it is so impactful for a maturing Christian.
Elizabeth Elliot is also well-loved. The first couple of times I picked up Let Me Be a Woman I could not understand why it is a favorite. Later I grew to love it. This proves again that in the right season understanding will come. If it is not the right time, even great information can fall on deaf ears, or in this case, unseeing eyes. Ms. Elliot conveys basic truths about being a biblical woman in the format of letters to her grown daughter, who is engaged. Her insights into marriage and men were most memorable to me.
The Chronological Guide to the Bible by Thomas Nelson Publishing is a reference guide. When I decided to read through the OT last year I was determined to understand the history and timeline as I read along. I was off to a good start when Joshua was born. I'll have to pick it up again later. This book is a great help.
Praise Her In the Gates is another gem by Nancy Wilson. Her writing is clear and biblical. This book is on the subject of motherhood. For those who are new to the ideas of raising children for God, homeschooling, disciplining, valuing relationships and such, this book is a great basic guide. We used it last year in our women's monthly meetings after Sunday worship while the men studied their own "manual". It's probably time to make sure I read every chapter and retire it to the bookshelf.
Read, Obey and Succeed was written by a single Asian woman who is a pastor and an adoptted mother to a young, military mother at our church. The author was left at the marriage altar twice by men who said that God told them not to marry her so that she could continue to minister as a pastor to others. This tugs at my ol' Southern Baptist (legalistic) roots but the full story, as told by my friend, is supernatural and clearly of God. The fruit in the author's life is evident and I am blessed to have this complex work of hers to use as a my concordance. I'll also admit that this gift knit my heart to the giver. She was fairly new to our church. We were the first family to welcome them. But as she grew more comfortable I resisted reaching out to her. She has child-like faith and is more expressive than me in most everything. My own insecurities caused me to conveniently not invest in getting to know her, until she gave me the gift-the book. When I approached her after Christmas to thank her, I watched her eyes as she told me the story of the author. Then I asked more and more questions. As I listened intently, the Lord softened my heart towards her, His child. Indeed, as the Proverbs state, she had won me over with her gift, and I was blessed by getting to know her better. I may always keep this book on my nightstand, if only to keep myself humble and to remind me that I do not have the luxury of intentionally not loving anyone that God puts in my path!!! God disciplined me gently this time. I might not be so fortunate if there is another.
I wish I had a snapshot of the stacks of books that have lived on my bedside tables over the last twenty years. It has been different every year , always impactful and obviously from the Lord. He blesses us in many ways. Our God is not silent!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

It happened again. Many weeks have passed. Many wonderful moments and thoughts have occurred. Again, I have no idea how to recall them. But I am determined to try. : )

I was glad to get our Christmas letter and family photo completed and at the post office on Christmas Eve day. Every year around Thanksgiving I think about our family letter and I threaten not to write one because it becomes all consuming and sometimes seems pointless. I put it off until the week of Christmas this year.

Deep down I really believe that writing a letter to tell the praises of the Lord from our family's view is priceless. On the other hand, I wonder how much impact such a letter can have on people who know us and who are mostly saved.

When I look back over the letters from the last eleven years I cannot keep myself from weeping tears of gratitude. And that is why I continue to write them. God has been faithful to our family. Day to day can seem long and unfruitful. But the overview from year to year is beautiful. God is weaving a lovely tapestry with our lives intertwined with the lives of others. That makes it worth writing about.

Instead of ordering photocards, I saved the money and made our own collage on Picasa and had it printed in multiples. We used the second collage below, but I really liked them both. Honestly, there were many drafts. After many remakes I narrowed it down to these two. The snow made a nice background for the individual photos. The girls put snow in their hair since it had just stopped when I came out with the camera and they liked the effect.
The message in the middle is: Rejoicing in Emmanuel, The Butler Family 2010

Unfortunately our holiday was full of family illness. Mild. Yet continuously recycling. We didn't have any plans to travel or really visit anyone, but it was a disappointment to be completely quarantined. "Why can't we have a normal Christmas?" was one child's question. I had to remind her that hanging out at home reading Christmas stories, eating, listening to music and opening gifts is normal. We've done many different things at Christmas, but generally we spend the Day together at home. The young adults in our home think that everything has to be shared with friends or extended family in order to be special. We are trying to instill gratitude for our everyday blessings.

Reading Jotham's Journey, Tabitha's Travels, or Bartholomew's Passage during the Advent season has become our one sustaining tradition. It continues to be exciting and meaningful. I highly recommend all three books. You can only read one at a time and even if you reread them, there are enough lessons for the listeners to last a lifetime.

We were thankful to find a nice tree on Black Friday to replace our last artificial tree. Bob was so very sweet and manly to buy it at O dark o'clock on a great sale! He's my hero. He took Kendal to work at 5:45 and made it to Garden Ridge by six and then to work.

I don't like artificial trees at all but it really is nice to get a tree out of the attic versus lugging it home in the rain every year. Saving the $40 is important too. Last year we didn't have a tree at all and the children really balked. I don't blame them. I was pregnant and just didn't really want to do all the work, nor spend the money. They claimed it didnt' feel like Christmas. (Much later in the year they said they didn't really like having gifts of mechanical pencils and underwear either and that generally it was not a good Christmas.) Rather than being offended or shocked, I tried to make improvements this year. A new 9 foot tree was a good start.

Bob and the children assembled the tree and decorated it themselves! I nursed Joshua. I took some pictures. I played the Christmas tunes. I am thankful that I no longer need to organize every branch and ornament.

This past Saturday Bob and the children put it all away while I nursed the baby! I love this even more! I came out from our room and the den was cleared of it all! I am letting go of many areas of control. Now I wonder where I found the energy to run everything in the past! It is so wonderful to eat a meal that I didn't cook. I love opening my drawers to find clean clothes that I didn't put away. Enjoy a room that I didn't clean.

I am still very busy!!! It's a different sort of busy though. I used to perform all the manual labor of raising a family and cleaning house (except for being the sole breadwinner, of course). I also used to be the only disciplinarian and cook. And so on...I am still nursing a baby six to eight times a day. Training a two year old to obey. Keeping a four year old busy and content. Teaching primary school grades. Organizing our menus. Washing/drying our clothes. Managing all the stuff. Teaching Morning bible study after breakfast. Music lessons. Art lessons. Sewing lessons. Knitting lessons. Computer lessons. Now I've added highschool courses. Career counseling. Premarital courses. Chauffeur. And so forth.

It's less physical and much more mental. I sit more yet I am more likely to feel overwhelmed or discouraged. I've concluded that youth has some benefits. Zeal and enthusiasm are two perfect examples. I had a seemingly endless supply while our first four or five children were coming along. Sadly with that zeal comes a desire to control everything and that equals doing practically everything. I've mellowed. I'm glad. I haven't lowered my standards, atleast not the important ones. Hopefully my family feels more grace and less tension. I am sure my extended family used to think I was really uptight and a perfectionist. If I was, I am not not anymore. And Christmas is nicer because of it. So are family relationships and family vacations. I'm going to try to find more areas to let go of this year.

My focus for 2011 is to LOVE LIKE CHRIST! Of course it will take a lifetime to perfect but I'm going start now. More on other goals for 2011 next time...